Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Such a beauty inside

The beauty that lies within
Through the doors
Through the walls
Through the sorrow and falls
Through the pain
Through the suffering held within
Through the trust that was dismayed
Through it all there lies within

A treasure unimaginable and greater than all tangible
A treasure so precious it is held within the aforementioned carcass
A treasure so grand as to touch the hearts and lives of all that stand
A treasure so pure only angels can compare or be trusted with its handsel
A treasure so great, even the owner, knows not it's power or heavenly state
A treasure seen in the eyes and simple acts against diversity

The beauty that lies within
Shows itself simply and in an amount that we can handle to see
One day it will glow and be an illumination to one that is deserving of its show

Until that time, hold pure the light of day.

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